Below is an overview of Isabelle and Gaëtan’s empirical and theoretical publications that use and apply Grounded Theory.
Isabelle Walsh
Walsh, I. & Rowe, F. (2022) BIBGT: Combining Bibliometrics and Grounded Theory to Conduct a Literature Review. European Journal of Information Systems.
Nagy, G., Walsh, (2021) I. Managerial Blurring of Employee Goals. Academy of Management Proceedings.
Mishra, V., Walsh, I., & Srivastava, (2021) A. Merchants’ adoption of mobile payment in emerging economies: the case of unorganised retailers in India. European Journal of Information Systems
Walsh, I. (2020). A combined variance and process perspective on IT culture and IT usage leading to the concept of IT acculturation. Systemes d’information management, 25(2), 33-72.
Johnson, B., & Walsh, I. (2019). Mixed Grounded Theory: Merging Grounded Theory with Mixed Methods and Multimethod Research. Handbook of grounded theory research. Sage.
Walsh, I., Holton, J., & Mourmant, G. (2019). Conducting Classic Grounded Theory. UK: Sage.
Renaud, A., & Walsh, I. (2018). The Whirling Management of an IS Project: An Alternative Approach to Project Management. AIM (Association Information et Management).
Mlaiki, A., Walsh, I. and Kalika, M. (2017) Why Do We Continue Using Social Networking Sites? The Giving Loop That Feeds ComputerMediated Social Ties. Systèmes d’Information & Management.
Walsh, I., & Renaud, A. (2017). Reviewing the literature in the IS field: Two bibliometric techniques to guide readings and help the interpretation of the literature. Systemes d’information management, 22(3), 75-115.
Walsh, I. (2017). Discovering New Theories EMS Edition.
Holton, Judith A., & Walsh, I. (2016). Classic Grounded Theory Sage Publications.
Walsh, I. & Holton, J. (2016). Leveraging the Full Power of Grounded Theory Methodology. BAM (British Academy of Management) Conference, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Renaud, A., Walsh, I., & Kalika, M. (2016). Is SAM still alive? A bibliometric and interpretive mapping of the strategic alignment research field. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 25(2), 75-103.
Walsh, I. & Zamani, S. (2016, May). Waterfall Connectivity and Smart Usage: How Youngsters in Isfahan Build up their Self Concept. AIM (Association Information et Management), Lille, France.
Walsh, I., Gettler-Summa, M., & Kalika, M. (2016). Expectable use: An important facet of IT usage. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 25(3), 177-210.
Anand, A., & Walsh, I. (2015). Empirical Analysis of Factors Influencing Knowledge Sharing Facilities and Barriers in Indian SMEs: A Comparative Case Study. In European Conference on Knowledge Management (p. 887). Academic Conferences International Limited.
Guelmami, M., & Walsh, I. (2015). Traduire et aligner pour mieux gérer une clinique privée en Tunisie.. In Beaulieu P. & Kalika M. (Eds.), La création de connaissance par les managers.. EMS Edition.
Walsh, I. (2015). Comment transformer une expérience pratique en théorie ? Autoethnographie et théorie enracinée.. In EMS éditions. (Ed.), La création de connaissance par les managers.. EMS Edition.
Walsh, I. (2015). Développer de nouvelles théories EMS Edition.
Walsh, I. (2015). Using quantitative data in mixed-design grounded theory studies: an enhanced path to formal grounded theory in information systems. European Journal of Information Systems, 24(5), 531-557.
Walsh, I., Holton, J. A., Bailyn, L., Fernandez, W., Levina, N., & Glaser, B. (2015). Rejoinder: Moving the management field forward. Organizational Research Methods, 18(4), 620-628.
Walsh, I., Holton, J. A., Bailyn, L., Fernandez, W., Levina, N., & Glaser, B. (2015). What grounded theory is… a critically reflective conversation among scholars. Organizational Research Methods, 18(4), 581-599.
Holton, J., & Walsh, I. (2014). Leveraging the Full Power of Grounded Theory Methodology. PDW. Academy of Management Philadelphia..
Walsh, I. (2014). A Strategic Path to study IT Use through Users’ IT Culture and IT Needs: A MixedMethod Grounded Theory. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 23 (2), 146–173.
Walsh, I. (2014). Using Grounded Theory to Avoid Research Misconduct in management Science. The Grounded Theory Review, 13 (1).
Walsh, I. (2013). What Grounded Theory is… Panel Symposium. Academy of Management Annual Conference. Orlando. USA.
Walsh, I., Renaud, A., & Kalika, M. (2013). The translated strategic alignment model: A practice-based perspective. Systemes d’information management, 18(2), 37-68.
Renaud, A., & Walsh, I. (2012). Conception et conduite d’un projet SI : La réinformatisation du Service Commun de Documentation d’une Université. In M. Kalika, F. Rowe, et B. Fallery (Ed.), Cas de systèmes d’information et management des organisations (pp. 195203). Editions Vuibert.
Walsh, I., Kefi, H., & Baskerville, R. (2011). Managing Culture Creep: Toward a Strategic Model of User IT Culture. Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 19 (4), 257280.
Walsh, I., Renaud, A., & Kalika, M. (2010). Reconceptualizing IS Strategic Alignment: the Translated Strategic Alignment Model (TSAM). AMCIS (Americas Conference on Information Systems).
Gaëtan Mourmant
Mourmant G., (2021) Strategies for Setting Aside Preconceptions, Classic Grounded Theory International Virtual Conference, April 2021
Nandram S., Mourmant , G, Bindlish P., and Sandra, D. (2019) “Integrating Reason and Intuition: An Integrative Approach to Objectivizing Subtle Cues” in Liebowitz J., Developing Informed Intuition for Decision-Making, CRC Press
Walsh I., Holton J.A., Mourmant G., (2019), “Conducting Classic Grounded Theory for Business and Management Students”, 128 pages, SAGE Publications Ltd
Nandram, S. S., Mourmant , G., Norlynk Smith, E., Heaton, D. P., & Bindlish, P. K. (2018). Understanding entrepreneurial decision-making by objectivizing subtle cues. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 1-26.
Mourmant , G., & Voutsina, K. (2017). Awakening the Dormant Dream: The Concept of Entrepreneurial Mind-Shifts. ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems, 48(3), 110-137.
Nandram S., Mourmant G. , Norlyk Smith E., Heaton D., Dana L.P. (2015), Deepening Entrepreneurial Intuition through subtling: What Entrepreneurs do when Reason is not enough. Presented at the Academy Of Management, 2015.
Voutsina K., Mourmant G. and Niederman F., (2014), “The Range of Shocks Prompting Entrepreneurial Employee Turnover through the lenses of exploration and exploitation framework”, Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitive Strategy Book series, Volume 14, p. 39-47, Edited by Amburgey et al; ISSN: 1479-067X/doi:10.1108/S1479-067X20140000014010.
Mourmant G, Niederman F and Kalika M (2013) “Spaces of IT Intrapreneurial Freedom: A Classical Grounded Theory”, SIGMIS Computers and People Research
Tiers G, Mourmant G and Leclercq A, (2013) ” L’envol vers le Cloud: un phénomène de maturations multiples”. Revue Systèmes d’Information & Management (SIM), 18 (4)
SIM is the French-speaking leading journal in IS. The paper could be translated as “Taking-off to the cloud, a phenomenon of multiple maturations”
Voutsina K., Mourmant G. and Niederman F. (2013) “A Repertoire of Shocks and Critical Events in IT Entrepreneurial Turnover”, Academy of Management.
Mourmant G (2012) “Seeding event: Creating and developing spaces of entrepreneurial freedom”. Grounded Theory Review 11(2)
Mourmant G and Mahaleinen M (2012) “The concept of entrepreneurial voluntary naivety: Intentional naivety regarding the future”. AMCIS 2012 Proceedings, Seattle, WE, USA.
Mourmant G and Voutsina K (2012) “Entrepreneurial Turnover: Introducing the Concept of Entrepreneurial Realization”. PDW – Academy of Management Annual Conference, Boston, MA, USA. .
Mourmant G and Voutsina K (2012) “What should I understand? The Concept of Shift of Understanding”, a Quote-Based Analysis”. In 2012 ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research conference, ACM Press, Milwaukee, WI.
Tiers G, Mourmant G and Leclercq A (2012) “Cloud Computing: Les composantes d’une rupture”. Association Information et Management, Bordeaux, France.
Mourmant G and Voutsina K (2012) What Should I Understand? The concept of Shift of Understanding, a Quote-Based Analysis. In 2012 ACM SIGMIS Computers and People Research conference, ACM Press, Milwaukee, WI.
Mourmant G. (2010) “Comment les Employés en Systèmes D’information Deviennent des Entrepreneurs”. In Entrepreneuriat et Insertion (Brasseur M., Ed), pp 62-72, Bruyant, Bruxelles.
Mourmant G and Voutsina K (2010) “From IT Employee to IT Entrepreneur: the Concept of IT Entrepreneurial Epiphany” ,International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), St Louis, MI.
Mourmant G (2009) “A Necessary Clarification of the Unfolding Model of Voluntary Turnover”. SIGMIS-CPR’09, Limerick, Ireland.
Mourmant G, Gallivan MJ and Kalika M (2009) “Another Road to IT Turnover: The Entrepreneurial Path”. Special issue of the European Journal of Information Systems on “Meeting the Renewed Demand for IT Workers.” 18(5)
Mourmant G. (2009) “How and Why Do IT Entrepreneurs Leave their Salaried Employment to Start a SME? A Mixed Methods Research Design. In Information Systems“ – Creativity and Innovation in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (DHILLON G, STAHL BC and BASKERVILLE R, Eds), pp 273-286.
Mourmant G (2009) “How and Why Do It Professionals Leave their Salaried Employment to Start a Company? ” , Paris Dauphine University, Georgia State University, p 254., Ph. D. Advisers : Michel Kalika; Michael Gallivan
Mourmant G (2008) “Adapting and Extending the Unfolding Model of Voluntary Job Turnover to IS Entrepreneurs”. Doctoral consortium, SIGMIS-CPR’08, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA
Mourmant G and Gallivan M (2007) “How Personality Type Influences Decision Paths in the Unfolding Model of Voluntary Job Turnover: an Application to IS Professionals”. In 2007 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference on 2007, doctoral consortium and research conference: The global Information Technology Workforce ACM Press, St. Louis, Missouri, USA