An Online Course to Actually DO Grounded Theory



This course is suitable for academic institutions that wish to include a Grounded Theory course in their Master and Doctoral curricula as well as for independent students and researchers. It has been developed by renown GT scholars and based on scientifically validated published works.

When you register for the course, you will have asynchronous access for one year to this course and related materials.


Learning to apply and do classic Grounded Theory (GT) is fun, exciting, and useful.

You would like to discover new theories that have not been thought out before or complete existing theories?

This course is for you if…

You want to watch how to do GT

You want to apply the GT methodology, to actually do GT

And you want to be sure to be in line with GT fundamental principles

What you will learn

This course is based on the book “Conducting Classic Grounded Theory”, published by the authors.

A complete step-by-step process serves as a guideline for the amazing experience of doing GT and witnessing the theory emerging from your data.

About the authors

Isabelle Walsh is Emerita Distinguished Professor in Skema Business School, Université Côte d’Azur in France. She was nominated as Fellow of the Grounded Theory Institute by Barney Glaser, following her numerous empirical and methodological top tier publications using classic grounded theory. Her research has been published in several international top tier outlets (European Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Organizational Research Methods, Systèmes d’Information & Management, etc.). She uses and applies classic Grounded Theory with mixed quantitative and qualitative data. Beyond her research achievements, she has extensive corporate and consultancy experience.

Contact :

Click here for Isabelle’s publications

Gaëtan Mourmant has a dual PhD from Paris-Dauphine University and Georgia State University. He is currently a visiting professor at Iéseg school of management.

His research on Grounded Theory has been awarded with the Magid Igbaria Outstanding Conference Paper” at the SIGMIS COmputers and People Research Conference. Gaëtan’s research has been published in the European Journal of Information Systems, Systemes d’information management, DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems and in the Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion.

Gaëtan has also directed more than twenty master’s thesis using grounded theory methodology.

Contact :

Click here for Gaëtan’s publications

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